Sofia Kouloukouri is an artist, performer and writer. Through endurance and narration, her work deals with weights as a feminine heritage going back to the fundamental education of girls, myth, and the Christian doctrine. By way of her objects and performances the artist inserts herself in ‘grand narratives’, be that art history, or fundamental fictions like the Bible, and appropriates them. Voicing their opinions on art, life, and ‘couple politics’, her female characters claim a new space and order for themselves. Kouloukouri’s work is a performative exploration of fragility and solidity as vectors of female identities.
Sofia Kouloukouri holds a ΒΑ in cinema studies (AUTH, Thessaloniki), an MA in Visual Arts (Edhea, Sierre), and an MA in Art History (UNIGE Genève). Her academic research revolves around female artists and sex work. Kouloukouri's work has been presented among others at : Roman road gallery London, Le Grütli - Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts Vivants, MACBA Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Buenos Aires, Palais de Rumine Lausanne, Manoir de Martigny, Platforms Art Athina, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne, Kunsthal Charlottenborg Copenhagen, Triennale du Valais, Thessaloniki International Film Festival.
ELECTRIC WRATH, M54 Athens (15-18/3/2024)
RE-PAIRS, stoa42, Athens, 6/1, 10/2/2024
ELECTRIC WRATH, MIR Festival, M54 Athens (29 & 30/11/2023)
THE ELIXIR, We get what we give, Callirrhoë, Athens (24/11/2023)
THE ELIXIR, WiPS, Athens, (11/10/2023)
EVE SYNDROME, Roman Road gallery, London (16, 21/6/2023)
NOT ENOUGH ROPE, stand up, Revolution is not a one time event - open mic, Locus Athens, Athens (6/5/2023)
EVE SYNDROME, Gogogo, Le Grütli - centre de production et de diffusion des Arts Vivants, Genève (12,14/1/2023)
ELECTRIC WRATH, Movaq, Buenos Aires, (7/12/2022)
ELECTRIC WRATH, MACBA, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Buenos Aires, (21/11/2022)
CONTRENATURE, Ammophila 3: There was land here before, Elafonisos (19/8/22)
APNÈE, performing with Loreto Martinez Troncoso, Stoa 42, Athens (19/3/22)
EVE SYNDROME, Répertoire(s), Espace 3353, Genève (23/2/22)
WOMEN TELLING THE FUTURE V.03, FRAGMENTS & ABSENCES, Grand Palais Bern, Bern (09/10/21)
WOMEN TELLING THE FUTURE V.02, EXOTIC?, Palais de Rumine, Lausanne (02/10/20)
Poids Libres, FIBNL, Gare Cornavin, Genève (15/5/19)
WOMEN TELLING THE FUTURE, Espace Saules d'out, Genève (15/6/19),
EVE SYNDROME, Studio ADC, Theatre du Grütli, Genève (14/12/19)
‘Why this now ?’, video dance, projet de Lucie Eidenbenz, Flux Laboratory, Geneva, June 2023
‘Why this now ?’, video dance, projet de Lucie Eidenbenz, Theatre Forum Meyrin, novembre 2021
Pedro Cazas, Nostalghia Theater Co, Kastro Lamias (19&20/7)
RE-PAIRS, stoa42, Athens, 6/1-10/2/24
ALL ABOUT EVE, Roman Road gallery, London, 15/6-26/2/24
PLANS FOR A RESURRECTION, 1-3 rue Lissignol, Genève, 5/2-5/4/21
Le Workout, Milkshake Agency, Genève, 5/4-10/6/19
Dead Darlings, auction, Athens, 15-17 Dec 2023
ENCORE + DE TOI, Ferme Asile, Sion, 2021
WILLIWOO, Espace eeeeh, Nyon, 2020
AMMOPHILA, Dimotiko sxoleio, Elafonisos, Aut 2021
POUR ELLE, Manoir de Martigny, Martigny, 2018
Appetizers, Forum Wallis XII, Schloss Leuk, Leuk, 2018
Palp Festival, Manoir de Martigny, Martigny, 2017
Vide Ateliers, Centre culturel de la Vidondée, Riddes, 2016
Lunatic Park, Malévoz Quartier Culturel et La Manufacture des Rêves, Monthey, 2016
Platforms Project - Art Athina, Milkshake Agency booth, Faliron Pavilion, Athens, 2016
Charlottenborg Forårsudstilling, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 2016
Accrochage Vaud, mcb-a, Lausanne, 2016
NODE, EXPOSITION ECAV, Pôle Sud, Lausanne, 2016
Tous droits réservés tous torts inversés, Usego, Sierre, 2015
In einer anderen Welt, Triennale du Valais, Turtmann, 2014
Le corps en révolte, Hotel Belvedere du Rayon Vert, Cerbère, 2014
Against Lethe, mail art, 5tH ICTV, Nicosia, 2013
Cheap art, A.Antonopoulou Gallery, Athens, 2010
Demo#1, Dynamo Project Space, Thessaloniki, 2009
Looks at couples, Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the
Psychoanalytic Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, 2009
Zm Gallery, Thessaloniki, 2005
Bougada, Editions Dolce, Athens, dec 2023
TEFLON, Athens, dec 2023
ARTISTS' SURVIVAL KIT, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Nero Editions, July 2023
Boucle/Loop #01, revue de poesie contemporaine, Miami books & Bahnhofstrasse imprimerie, Geneve, March 2023
AMMOPHILA, Dimotiko sxoleio, Elafonisos, Aug 2022
BAZ’ART, festival baz’art, Geneve, 2020
POUR ELLE, catalogue, Le Manoir de la ville de Martigny, 2020
Lunatic park, catalogue, Malévoz Quartier Culturel, La manufacture des rêves, 2018
Art Athina, catalogue, 2016
FLUX LABORATORY, Geneva, with 'Why this now?' by Lucie Eidenbenz (1 - 9.06)
LA IRA DE DIOS, Buenos Aires (1/10/22 -12/12/22)
Théâtre Forum Meyrin, with 'Why this now?' by Lucie Eidenbenz (21—25.03)
La Becque, La Tour-de-Peiltz (22—31.08)
Constellations. ISR x HEAD, ISR, Haute École d’Art et de Design, Arts@CERN Instituto Svizzero di Roma, (18—23.07),
Maîtrise Universitaire es lettres Histoire de l’Art
UNIGE - Université de Genève
EDHEA - Ecole de design et haute école d'art, Sierre
Faculty of Cinema, Departement of Fine Arts, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Expertise on Artistic Direction, Costumes and Scenography